Friday, October 10, 2008

Where Does All The Money Congress is Spending Come From?

Nancy Pelosi says if the economy continues to plummet she may call Congress back for a special session after the election to pass a 150 billion dollar economical stimulus plan… Yeah, cause the first one worked so well.

Of course this plan will be more of a wealth redistribution plan than an economic stimulus since most Americans who pay most of the taxes won’t be allowed to participate in the plan. Taking from those who have earned it and giving it to those who have not. After all as Barack Obama and Joe Biden has said taxes is not about revenues to the government; it is about fairness. Oh ... what fun we're going to have over the next four years.

Has anyone thought about asking where all this money is coming from? It’s not like Congress has 700 billion for a bailout, or a 150 billion-stimulus package sitting in a checking account somewhere. So where does it come from?

Yes, it comes from the taxpayer at the end, but they need that money now. So it is borrowed folks. It is borrowed from places like China, Germany and other foreign countries. This increases the national debt and makes the dollar even weaker.

This is why it cost 10.00 for a cup of coffee in France or 5.00 for a 20oz. Coke in Germany. Hold on to your wallets cause it is only going to get worse.

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