Monday, November 24, 2008

What is Wrong With This Statement?

Let’s see if anyone can tell me what is wrong with this statement from the co-chair of Barack Obama’s Transition Team.

“—given, really, the daunting challenges that we face, it’s important that President-elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one. So we will be working closely with his [Bush] administration. We’re reviewing the agencies now. He [Obama] will be making key personnel decisions. He gets national security briefings every day now as well, but he will not be the president until January 20th.”

I will leave this here for a couple days and see if anyone can figure out what is wrong with this statement. Here is a clue. It deals with the mindset of the incoming administration.


Anonymous said...

They actually used the word ruler? we will be chanting "all hail the King."

Anonymous said...

I claim this land for our "ruler" Obama...Yes We Can.