Friday, November 28, 2008

Big T’s News and Views From Around the Web

So where do you go after being a top executive that helped bring the 5th largest securities and holdings bank in America to financial ruin? The Federal Reserve Bank of course! Aren’t you glad they got 700 billion of your tax money to play with?

Here is a site where the people can voice their priorities for the new administration. Hey look the FairTax is number 2 on the list!

Illinois State Police will now have to call for permission before they can drive 20 over the speed limit.

Obama is sending his kids to private schools….gee there is a surprise! Public schools are for your kids, not his.

Time Magazine admits extreme pro-Obama media bias during campaign, and says it was “the most disgusting failure in our business since the Iraq war.” Gee…you think?

Here is a growing alliance that means trouble for president-elect Barack Obama. Cuban president Raul Castro will visit Moscow next year.

The GOP is going to file federal lawsuit to repeal McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform and regulations. Yeah, It should have been vetoed from the get go.

Even the US postal service is feeling the economical crunch.

Gas prices are falling and people are buying SUV’s again…amazing how that works!

A government schoolteacher says she was fired for wearing a bikini during a second job, or was it because she missed to many days of work?

Here is an example of conservatism in exile. I thought liberal democrats were supposed to be the party of tolerance and inclusion? Guess not…but I already knew that.

These kids are more than likely getting their first lesson in government. They may lose their tree house that their dad built because it doesn’t follow the building code! Isn’t government regulations awesome…

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