Thursday, June 26, 2008

Supreme Court Rules on Right to Bear Arms

Yes. I know. I am supposed to be on vacation, and I am. I am having a blast, but I have also been waiting for the Supreme Court to rule on the right to bear arms. Well the wait is over.

The Supreme Court has ruled by a narrow margin of 5-4 the 2nd Amendment protects the rights of citizens not the rights of government. This is good news for those who believe in the right to defend themselves, bad news for those with the “911 mentality” who believe the police will always be there to protect them.

It is good news for those who understand the only way to preserve freedom is through the barrel of a gun, bad news for those who would rather have security from government rather than freedom.

Here is something else to consider as the uproar of this ruling spreads across the country and liberals go into shock. Without President George W. Bush’s appointments to the Supreme Court this would have been a completely different ruling. If Al Gore had won the presidency, he would have made the appointments and your right to bear arms for self-defense would have been ripped to shreds today.

Thank God for Florida… OK…back to my vacation, but since I am here, here is some reading and viewing.

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