Thursday, June 12, 2008

Obama finally leaves his church

After more than twenty years in the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Barack Obama has decided that the time has come to leave his church. I guess he got tired of trying to justify his membership.

His announcement came days after Trinity’s guest Catholic Priest Michael Pfledger made the comment; “racism is still America’s greatest addiction. I also believe America is the greatest sin against God,” during a sermon.

In his announcement Obama said he is not denouncing the church, but will no longer be attending.

“It’s clear that now that I’m a candidate for president, every time something is said in the church by anyone associated with Trinity, including guest pastors, the remarks will imputed to me even if they totally conflict with my long-held views, statements and principles.”

This is no doubt an attempt to distance himself from Father Pfledger. In fact if Obama was asked about the priest’s comments he would probably tell us he was unfamiliar with the priest or never heard him say anything like that before. At least that is the kind of excuses we heard about his own pastor of twenty years Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

The fact of the matter is Obama can’t distance himself from these people because this is who Barack Obama is…For more than twenty years Obama sat in this church on Sundays and no doubt listened to sermons carrying the same: “I hate America because it is racist theme” and never once felt compelled to leave until now.

It is this “Hate America” theme that keeps coming up…Rev. Wright’s comments: “God Damn America” to his own wife who has: “never been proud to be an American until now.” Now we have Father Pfledger saying: America is the greatest sin against God… Oh and let’s not forget about that Cuban Che Guevara flags at an Obama campaign headquarters…

I have said it once, and I will say it again. You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps and this is the company Barrack Obama has kept for the past twenty years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For years we have heard about the religious right from the media, now we have the religious left... Of course don't expect the media to call them that...ever.