Monday, March 03, 2008

Oklahoma and Utah take right approach to gun laws on college campuses.

A bill is being proposed in Oklahoma that would allow college students to carry concealed weapons on campus. It would allow students who are at least 21 years old and licensed to carry a concealed weapon to carry them on government college and university campuses in Oklahoma .

The bill proposed by Republican House Representative Jason Murphey who says it will allow students to defend themselves, but the greater value of such a law would be the potential shooter might be hesitant to come onto a college campus where he doesn’t know who is armed and able to defend themselves.

Murphey proposed the bill after recent college shootings on the campuses of Northern Illinois University and Virginia Tech.

Murphey is absolutely right, and I hope this bill passes. College students should have the right to defend themselves just as anyone else.


Anonymous said...

Of course it is a good idea. I am trying to imagine how it would feel to be in a college class and watching a gunman reload, while waiting my turn to get popped.


Anonymous said...

Yes. Encouraging more people to carry guns will certainly cut down on gun violence. We certainly know how responsible the average college student is.

You gun nut jobs need a date with reality.

Alegra, NYC

Anonymous said...

I can see it now Alegra. After a few funnels of their favorite beverage, college students go out to the parking lot to celebrate by shooting their peace-makers in the air or at cars or at each other. What fun!

Critical thinking is obviously not part of the process in OKC.


Anonymous said...

Big T, you are wrong. No one other than law enforcement should be allowed to carry guns on campuses.

Letting college kids have guns is just insane! This will only increase violence on campus!


Anonymous said...

This bill is insane and crazy! I am a college student at UNC and I cannot begin to imagine going to school in an environemt where everybody was carrying a gun!



Anonymous said...

First off the primary requirement in Oklahoma to receive a concealed carrying weapons license is the applicant must be 21 years old. So most freshmen and sophomores won't be legal to carry.

And those of you who were talking about giving kids guns, that has nothing to do with this. This bill will not hand out guns or licenses to kids.

Also, it is illegal to carry even with a license into a bar or other place that primarily serves alcohol. So anyone "funneling their favorite beverage" is either illegally carrying, or at home.

Oh, and wait, neither of those places are on campus anyways, so they are not affected by this bill.

A CCW license is NOT a license to kill. Anyone who has a CCW and flaunts it, or commits a crime with it receives no more protection by their CCW than an ordinary person who commits that crime.

Also, there is a waiting period to get a CCW license that ranges from 60 days up to 90 days. So someone will not be getting one in a passionate moment and pack a gun onto campus.

All this bill does is allow those citizens who have shown themselves to be law abiding to carry their gun onto campus also. They can carry that gun most anywhere else in society, and have not caused riots or mass murders, so why expect it on a campus.

If you want to call this bill crazy, go for it, but do your research first, or you risk making yourself looking like a fool.